Monday, June 30, 2008

Life's Storms

I was just upstairs packing the girls for the coming weeks. I am home alone and was jamming to my ipod and was struck dead in my tracks as I really LISTENED to a song that I just recently added. A little over a month ago when the Chapman's youngest daughter was killed by an SUV in their driveway this was one of the songs that was played at her funeral. I had downloaded it so that each time I heard it I could pray for that dear family. Never thinking that it would really minister to me.

When I came down stairs I saw this picture of me on Jed's desk and could see that my hair was blowing.... I remember having these pictures taken last August and seeing the storm rolling in over the golf course. It looked like it was going to be a whooper... a little like how I feel right now. The wind has been swirling in the Smith home for the last few months and the storm is on the horizon. The waters have been rising, the flood right around the bend.

I truly believe that there will be a calm after these final storms pass through in July.... here is the words to the song. I hope that it can help you "find rest" as well!

Still - by Hillsong

you can hear the whole song at:

Hide me now, Under Your wings.

Cover me, within Your mighty hands.

When the oceans rise and thunders roar,

I will soar with you above the storm.

Father, You are king over the flood.

I will be still, know You are God,

Find rest my soul, In Christ alone.

Know His power in quietness and trust