Thursday, July 31, 2008

getting rid of stuff.....

oh to have the imagination of a child!

We have been busy (in a isolated way) since being home. I came home with a new sense of urgency to GET RID of STUFF. I think that being away for 3 weeks and living just fine on what was in our little suitcases, well maybe medium sized (!), made me realize that all the extra is not necessary! So we came home and I began tackling! What else is a girl to do when her child is in isolation and she can not leave her house?? I have started stacking the garage full of things that I have been holding onto for years! I am purging every closet, cabinet and drawer. I am having way to much fun getting rid of lots! I am so compelled to live simply.

You know a big part of it comes from that ah-ha moment when you really, I mean really, get what is most important in life. I am embarrassed to say that it took me 30 years to finally get there. As the days ticked by in the hospital I thought less and less about what was left behind. You just get in a zone where nothing matters but trying to keep those you love the most together and happy. Everything else just becomes noise if you will. You could have told me in the midst of that stay that if I did not return immediately my house would be gone along with everything in it and I would not have thought about leaving. I would not have packed up and left Madison to "save" our belongings...because nothing here has lasting value to me. ( mom I would have called you to get the scrapbooks!!) So then when I returned and there was GOBS of stuff and it almost frustrated me. I start thinking about all that I want to be able to do to help others, specifically Cincinnati Children's and I feel guilty that I have so much. So we are minimizing and man does it feel good!

I will have to take some picture! You will all be so impressed with the emptiness in the closets! I still have a LONG way to go but everyday I am doing one thing to move me in the right direction! I may need to take stock in Tupperware, I am loving stackable bins and organization...maybe they would donate a portion of all of my purchases to CCH!!!!

As for Sweet Maddie Grace... since that is probably why you stopped by! She is doing good. Her bottom is getting a little better everyday! I have been emailing with Dr. Levitt and am encouraged as he tells us not to be discouraged by all of the accidents. He said because of the "extreme bowel prep" that they did before surgery and what was done during surgery that her colon and has been traumatized.... I could have told you that from seeing the pictures! He says that he really believes that she will get that sensation back in the next few weeks. We are praying that is exactly what happens!!!! We have added the pectin back in which totally bummed her out as that is a nasty tasting one that we mix with yogurt. I am thinking that the reason for that is to bulk up the stool to give her a better chance to feel the need to go potty. We will see how that goes! She finishes her anti biotic for the c-diff tomorrow and then will be retested in a week to make sure that she is free and clear!

Thank you so much to all of you who continue to show us so much support! We so appreciate it!
