Wednesday, October 28, 2009

didn't get a thing done today.....

I totally am having those days where at the end of the night you are EXHAUSTED but feel like you got nothing done.... I was in the shower, at 5PM, discouraged about just that...getting nothing done. I started trying to run down the list of what I did all day so I could figure out why I never get things crossed off my list... there are piles everywhere, dishes in the sink.....

*I got up at 7 after not sleeping AGAIN, even with the sleeping pills.
*Got two kids up
*Got them both dressed
*Fed them both
*Packed 2 backpack
*Packed one lunch
*Found 4 shoes
*Found Frog costume since Olivia was sick and missed Noahs Ark day last week
*Took pictures of said frog outside
*Drove both girls to school
*Made breakfast
*Did 2 loads of laundry
*Did dinner dishes from last night
*Checked email
*Cleaned living room enough so I could sit on the couch and eat cold breakfast I had made half hour earlier
*Watched 10 minutes of TV
*Paid bills
*Got to school to do room mom duties at pick up time
*Went to courthouse with crying child to make sure my husband does not get arrested on Nov 16th for subpoena that was issued yesterday (that's another blog entry!)
*Got all the way to the courthouse door and was told I could not bring my cell phone in....walked all the way back to car to THROW phone in the front seat.
*Went back to courthouse
*Gave proof of immunizations for our freakin dog to lady so husband does not get arrested
*Explained to still crying child why we WERE NOT asking the guy at the desk for a sucker (the answer... I was pissed off he made me walk back to the car with my phone and crying child)
*Went to vet to get money back for overcharge on immunizations
*Sneezed and peed... my pants
*Went to post office
*Return carpet samples
*Got groceries
*Kept my cool while Olivias hid in every available location at grocery store
*Went to bank
*Unloaded car
*Started wash as I only have one pair of maternity jeans and they had been peed in.... its not funny!
*Made lunch for me and my child
*Helped Olivia with crafts
*Got homework ready and sorted
*Called loan officer to see why the refinance is taking so long
*Paid speeding ticket online (self induced, you do not have to feel bad about this one!)
*Started load of dark socks so my husbands shoes do not crawl off tomorrow
*Coddled an Arbonne client
*Mailed check to same client
*Cleaned buckets for Arbonne party tonight
*Loaded car for party
*Picked up Madison from school
*Was informed she had a "pee infection"
*Called doctor
*Wondered if maybe I have a pee infection
*Remembered I was 30 weeks pregnant ( had forgot all day!)
*Started homework
*Had to explain why all the homework was going to be done again because it was so messy
*Got in a "fight" with a loan officer over the phone about car loan
*Did dishes while arguing with loan officer Called father-in-law to verify that the loan officer was smoking crack and I was right
*Was assured of crack smoking being done by loan officer by wise father-in-law
*Ordered school pictures online
*Picked laminae and tiles for a non paying design job
*Called to find a place to hold a moms night out for MOPS( I think the bar is the best answer!)
*Saw husband arrive
*Husband side swiped by stories of "pee infections" and nasty foods
*Took shower
*Helped Olivia memorize her Awana verse while I was in the shower.
*Signed awana book with eyeliner
*Started dinner
*Tried to update husband on all activities for the night while stirring food and holding up to small towel around huge belly
*Worried about cars driving by that could see me in the front window, stressed and barley covered.
*Decided if they did see it they would never look in my windows again when they drove by
*Finished getting ready
*Swallowed Dinner
*Took TUMS
*Went to Arbonne party
*Realized I forgot to put Mascara on when getting ready
*About died when I remembered taking to woman about how great the mascara is.
*Wondered why she bought the mascara when my eyelashes are not even visible tonight.
*Packed lunches for tomorrow
*Remembered no one was going to school tomorrow
*Ran throw tomorrow with hubby as he brushed his teeth
*Called room mom about Halloween Party
*Went and kissed kids in bed
*Blogged about not understanding why I can not get anything done.

If you can figure out how I am not managing my time well PLEASE let me know. I think I am going to have to cut out peeing and eating!