my sister Danielle is 33 weeks pregnant. She has struggled her whole life with hemagiomas, tumors that form in your blood vessels. Danielle has been under special care since her pregnancy began. Last night she started having allot of pain and was having some involuntary eye twitching. After seeing her doctor today they have decided to admit her to the hospital. She will be having scans done in the morning to see how everything looks and then decisions on how to move forward will be made. Please pray for Danielle and Ted these next 24 hours as I am sure they are anxious about what the scans will show.
Danielle's doctor told her that a baby born at 33 weeks would do fine..... not something I would wish on anyone though. It brings me right back to the days with Maddie as a preemie.
We love you Danielle and Ted and are praying for you!