Tuesday, December 2, 2008

an interior design moms clothing nightmare....

really.... could the outfits be any better!! I was about ready to die when the kids came down dressed and ready to head to the store. I am trying to say no less but this just could not be left for the public to see. Olivia thought that it was funny...Madison was less then happy with my decision to make her change! Gotta love a kids choice!


the back door said...

this is often how i find my little girl...it drives me crazy, but i'm learning to let her reflect herself in her clothing choices. it is hard, way hard, but we are all happier!

The Lawver's said...

oh my word that is hilarious. I love how it looks like Maddie honestly doesn't understand why she cant wear it, yet Olivia is smiling cause she knows its a fashion no no.